Tuesday, December 12, 2006

And here are two more items sold on Ebay on 12/10/06

(1) black test ATM: $265

(2) black 9 value set, MNH: $153.50

And some more "blue stuff" from Ebay.
Buyer as usual, our friend Mr. Popmusiker
from Hong Kong :-)

(1) CTO, 4.20 Yuan, BLUE printing: $103.58

(2) airmail postcard to Greece, 4.20 Yuan, BLUE printing: $207.50

(3) cover to Hong Kong, 1.50 Yuan, BLUE printing: $182.50

(4) airmail to Germany, 5.40 Yuan, BLUE printing: $51o

(5) registered airmail cover to Germany, 19.70 Yuan, BLACK printing: $660

(6) registered cover to Germany, 6.40 Yuan, BLUE printing: $480

(7) 9 value set, MNH, BLUE printing: $1313.05

And more China ATM:
(1) set of 9 nine ATM, MNH (10/22/06: 272.05 Euro)

(2) meter Guangzhou, silver yuan, 1949 (11/19/06: $86)